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Your Details

First Name
Last Name
Male Female
Postcode/Zip Code*
Date of Birth*

Guestlist Details

Main Guest First & Last Name*
Date of event*

One name per line
Create an open list for me


Q: I left some names off of our list, how can I add them?
A: Our doorgirls can add/remove names in the line when you arrive on the night - just let them know when you get there.

Q: How do I know if my doorlist has gone through?
A: Once you click Submit at the bottom of the screen, it AUTOMATICALLY ADDS to our guest list for the night. Its that easy!

Q: Is there a minimum or maximum for my doorlist?
A: Nope, as many or few as you like!

Q: What time should I arrive on the night?
A: You must be in the venue before 11PM.

Q: I still have more questionssss!?
A: Dont stress, just DM us on Facebook or Instagram!

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